Monday, May 13, 2013

TL Upgrade issue

  Issues faced while TL and SP  Upgradation from 6100-06-05-1115 to 6100-07-07-1316

we downloaded the   complete SP package  6100-07-07-1316 from IBM portal.


The Upgradation was failing for  all the server's .

 oslevel -s   and nmon commands were not working 

Below are the error we got after the Upgradation.



. As per our observation, the TL and SP upgrade was failing due to Conflicting Versions of Filesets present in the SP we downloaded.

2. The SP we downloaded is  having  multiple versions  of the following filesets ( and that were above  the current level of the fileset present on the server

      current fileset level on server  :
      fileset levels present in the SP  we downloaded : and
As per observation , while  doing the SP upgrade , due to  present of these conflicting versions of the filesets , certain more packages were also affected resulting into the un-exceptional
behaviour of the OS.  There is very least  and rare  chance that these type of situation comes  .
3 .  I  installed the  TL7 filesets  for the above mentioned filesets  and after that 
   started the upgradation  using #smitty update_all 

it worked ...........

  I  strongly recommend that ,as a  best  practise  we should   follow  first upgradation the TL  seperately and then upgradation  with  SP  so that Conflicting Versions of Filesets issue can be avoided .