Tuesday, July 19, 2011

package management

Software products include those:
1. shipped with AIX
2. those purchased seperately

in AIX has these types of software components:
1. filesets
2. packages
3. licensed program products(LPP)
4. bundles

what is filesets

a fileset is a smallest installable base unit for the aix operating system.

A fileset includes all files that constitute a complete product such as bos.net.uucp or a seperatably installable part of the product such as bos.net.nfs.client.

A package is a group of seperately installable fileset that providde a set of related function.

ex. bos.net is a package

A bundle is a list of software thatcan contain fileset,packages and LPP  that are suited for a particular use.

bundles that are used by default for the system  are  stored in

user created bundles are stored in

program temporary fix is an updated fileset or a new fileset that fixes a previous system problem

PTF's are installed  using "installp" command

Authorized program analysis report is an emergency fix or interim fix to a unique problem on the system
APAR's will become PTF's after testing and verification.

APAP's are applies using "instfix" command.


bos.INed(package)          bos.adt(package)

                                         bos.adt..lib   bos.adt.prof

fileset nameing convention

lpp . package  .fileset . suffix
bos . terminfo .print .data

filesets name are meaningful and describes the content of filesets

.adt - application development toolkit of LPP
.dev - device support for that LPP
.daig - diagnostic for  a fileset.
.rte - runtime or minimum set
.smit - smit tools and displays for filesets.


fileset update or update package  is a package containing modification to a existing fileset.

fileset level is referred as


changes to the version or release level require youto perform a migration installation

if you want to make changes to the modification or fix level, you will user "smit update_all"

software states

applied state
commited state

when you are installing softeare for the first time , the software will be automatically installed in committed state

when you are installing a fix or a maintainence level upgrade to a system, you will have two options either installing the software in
1. committed state 
2. applied state
when you are choosing applied state ,you will maintain two level of software.older version will bw saved in the disk and is deactivated and the newer version becomes active

applied state provides us the oppurtunity to test the newer software before committing.

if you install software in commit state, it will remove the older version.

when updated in applied state, the previous version is stored in
"/usr/lpp/pakageneme" directory

installing software
installation of software can be done in two states:
1. applied
2. committed

to install software in an applied state
#installp -a /dev/cd0
#smit installp  -----choose applied state

to install software in committed state
#installp -ac -d /dev/cd0
#smit installp ----choose committed state

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