Friday, March 13, 2015

0505-121:alt_disk_install error & 0516-082 -----solved

516-082:/usr/sbin/lchangelv: Unable to access a special device file.

0505-121:alt_disk_install error

0516-082:/usr/sbin/lchangelv: Unable to access a special device file.
Execute redefinevg and synclvodm to build correct environment.

              Understanding the exact issue first

 The lchangelv command is low level command used to change the lv parameters. As per the error ,lchangelv is not able to access the special device files ,means issue seems with device files  and Can be with ODM also.

                  Below are the steps performed  

     1.                         for understanding , i ran alt_clone again and tried to figure out the major number of   the device files related to alt_clone. got the details

                                                  major number
brw-rw----    1 root     system       40,                 9   Mar 14 06:32 alt_hd10opt
brw-rw----    1 root     system       40,                14 Mar 14 06:32 alt_fslv01 

 2. verified the  existing device files starting with 40 to figure out whether the device files where actually used .

3. Copied all the files with major number 40 to different folder .

4. Again ran alt_clone ,but same error.But noticed that again the minor numbers are starting with 20 ,means there are some  ODM entries also that are affecting.

5. Since every device file will have entry in CuDvDr ,i started searching for the Major Number 40 in it
odmget -q value1=40 CuDvDr
6. Once again cross verified the values  and after confirmation  removed it.
odmdelete -q value1=40 -o CuDvDr

7. Now my CuDvDr class is clear. But we need to verify all the object classes.

#odmget CuAt | grep alt
#odmget CuDv | grep alt
#odmget CuDvDr | grep alt
#odmget CuDep | grep alt

#odmget -q parent=altinst_rootvg -o CuDv

8. Found that   entries where available only on CuDv and CuDep. Hence removed the entries using below command.

odmdelete -q parent=altinst_rootvg -o CuDv
odmdelete -q name=altinst_rootvg -o CuDep

9. Started the Alt_clone  and Completed successfully.


  1. I also had to # rm [.......] the files matching the major number of the volume group in /dev as well as doing the steps above....

  2. It worked for me also.


  3. This has been most helpful, I was stuck with this error while running alt_disk_install. Thanks.
