Thursday, August 04, 2011

System Resource Controller.(SRC)

System Resource Controller(SRC) provides a set of commands and sub-routines to make it easier for the system and programmar to create and control sub-systems.

SRC is started during system initialization with a record for the /usr/sbin/srcmstr daemon in /etc/inittab file.

If the srcmstr daemon terminates abnormally, the respawn action specified in the /etc/inittab restarts the srcmstr daemon.

how to start the subsystems or groups

we are using startsrc command for this . this command sends SRC ,a request to start a subsystem or a group of subsystems.

#startsrc -g group  

#startsrc -g nfs(this group contains all daemons related to nfs)
#startsrc -g tcpip  ( tcpip is a group that contains all subsystems related to tcpip)
#startsrc -g spooler (this group contains all the deamons related to printing)

#startsrc -s subsystem
#startsrc -s inetd
#startsrc -s nfsd
#startsrc -s syslogd

#startsrc -t subserver
#startsrc -t tester

 as we know that ODM also have details of SRC. it is there in /etc/objrepos view the details of the subsystems from ODM. 

#odmget -q subsyname=inetd  SRCsubsys

how to stop the subsystems or group

#stopsrc -s syslogd

#stopsrc -s inetd

#stopsrc -g nfs

#stopsrc -g tcpip

how to refresh a deamon

#refresh -s httpd

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